Trusted Oracle Support
At DSP, we provide a wealth of knowledge, expert assistance, and proactive tools designed to help you manage your Oracle environment effectively. Explore our documentation, knowledge base, and support channels to find the solutions you need.

Focused, Credible and Reliable Oracle Support
Oracle Database Support has been at the heart of DSP for over 25 years. If it's third-party specialist support services that you need, whether onsite or remote, cloud or hybrid, it's likely we will have the perfect solution for you.
Since DSP was founded, we have had continued success as an Oracle partner, particularly when applying database technologies. We quickly found our niche of migrating, upgrading and supporting database environments, which we have been doing for over a decade.
Over the years, our relationship with Oracle has continued to flourish, and through hard work and expertise, we are a leading Oracle Partner. Trusted by Oracle, we are seen within the industry as one of the best Oracle database support consultancy companies in the UK.
Your database is our priority. We're continuously updating our resources and improving our support services to ensure you have the tools and expertise you need, whenever you need them. With our round-the-clock, always-on support, you can rest easy knowing your Oracle database is expertly managed, maintained and secure.
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Key features of DSP's Oracle Support
Preventative Analytics
Prevention beats cure. Our Oracle Support delivers immediate insight and predictive analytics; we don't work in a bubble, we work as an extended team ensuring your Oracle workloads are running as efficiently as possible.
Round-the-clock Service
We work 24x7x365 to ensure you don't have to. Our team of DBAs use cutting-edge service management tools to identify Severity 1 issues immediately so that overnight processes are not hindered.
Benefits of DSP's Oracle Support
Immediate return on investment – outsourcing core DBA services typically reduces operational costs by 40% (up to 70% of your production system is required 24×7).
Minimise errors and loss of revenue – our proven Oracle DBA support team will help you de-risk your technology investment.
Increase business agility – with us managing day-to-day system admin, you’re free to concentrate on new projects.
Improve efficiencies and maximise uptime – our Oracle support specialists have experience in RAC, DataGuard and clustering, providing outstanding resilience and uptime.
Get great results from all versions – whether you’re running the newest database release or an older version, our experience means you’ll get the most from your technology.
Make sure your database infrastructure is fit for purpose – our health checks build a proactive action plan for developing your high-risk items.
Significantly reduce downtime – our customers experience unrivalled uptime and minimal business disruption.
Operating System – total environment support, including Windows, Linux and Unix, all the way up to the application layer, making incident diagnosis effective and efficient.
Why DSP?
The DSP Difference
Our Oracle support service involves extensive proactive monitoring to keep your database optimised. All of this work is performed remotely by Oracle certified professionals who are regularly trained, constantly keeping up to date with shifts in technology and functionality.
At the heart of our Oracle support service is our DBA-developed monitoring suite which allows us to be lightning-fast in our reactions to potential issues. The design of your service, the SLA and the ability to use either ‘Fixed-Price’ or ‘Variable’ mode all comes down to the unique tailoring of your support.
Typical elements of a DSP Oracle Managed Service
Site Review and On-Boarding Service
24 x 7 x 365 Performance Monitoring & Alerting
Monthly or Quarterly Health Checks
Pro-active Database Performance Tuning
Hotline Support Service
Management of Information Reporting
Continuous Maintenance and Automated Patching
Backup, DR, Hosting, Cloud-enablement & Security Auditing
Frequently Asked Questions
Is an Oracle Support Service truly cheaper than using an in-house resource?
Most of the time yes, especially if you need support 24x7. Typically 30% cheaper than in-house options.
Accreditations are all well and good, but how do you guarantee the quality of service?
Our SLAs don't just focus on Break/Fix. Talk to us about our pro-active analytics and meaningful visual metrics which demonstrate the difference we are making over time.
Legacy support is straightforward, but how do you support Oracle databases in cloud environments?
Our support systems are platform agnostic. In our opinion delivering a successful support service comes down to a well-planned service take-on; we spend more time than most in getting things right from the start. We also have in-house labs to ensure we can recreate the new problems that cloud infrastructures pose.
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DSP's Oracle Customer Success

"Our relationship now is so much more than just client-and-supplier; it is a genuine partnership. It’s more valuable to us as it means we grow and develop as an organisation while working with DSP."
IT Manager | BRITA UK

“DSP provided an extremely valuable service giving us insight into our Oracle setup that we were not aware of. I was impressed with the level of attention they gave and it gave me the confidence to continue working with them after the review."
Tungsten Network

"We live and breathe this every day but it was really impressive how quickly DSP got on board with our systems and processes in order to start delivering results from the outset."
Head of Infrastructure | Zopa