Toad Data Point

Toad Data Point
Toad Data Point

Toad Data Point

Product Highlights


Wide range of data sources

Connect to multiple types of data sources, from relational databases and business intelligence sources, to NoSQL databases and files.


Want to save time on database tasks? Easily script database activities and schedule them using the Windows scheduler.

SQL Editor

A powerful SQL and procedure editor combined to form a single interface. Make the editor look and and behave according to your preference by customizing options and shortcuts.

Data profiling

Visually profile and sample database tables and data sets. Locate patterns, unique values, duplicates, missing information, min./max. values and more.

Cross-Connection Queries

Use the Cross-Connection Query Builder or the Cross-Connection Editor to create a query that extracts and merges data from numerous, dissimilar databases.

One Click Export

Export to your favorite tools. Quickly locate key data, including built-in report and pivot functionality, for in-place analysis and single-click export to an Excel instance.

Results Sets

The Result Sets tab exhibits a data grid for executed SQL statements and scripts that return data.

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Toad Data Point Editions

Toad Data Point comes in various editions, with each edition increasing in functionality and adding value to your organisations Analysts. 

  • Base Edition
  • Professional Edition
  • Professional Edition with Analytics
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